Thursday, September 3, 2015

Value and Motion

Anticipated motion- The implication of movement on a static two-dimensional surface caused by the viewer’s past experience with a similar situation
Blurred outlines- A visual device in which most details and the edges of a form are lost in the rapidity of the implied movement
Chiaroscuro- The use of light and dark values to imply depth and volume in a two-dimensional work of art
Cropped figure- Cropping a photo around a specific object to make it look like it is moving in or out of the frame
Optical movement- Graphic elements can induce the image on the retina to flicker tricking the brain into thinking/seeing movement
Relative Stillness- even though the picture is still, the elements in the picture convey motion
Repeated figure- A compositional device in which a recognizable figure appears within the same composition in different positions and situations so as to relate a narrative to the viewer
Value- A measure of relative lightness or darkness
Value emphasis- Use of a light-and-dark contrast to create a focal point within a composition
Value Contrast- The relationship between areas of dark and light
Value patterns- The arrangement and amount of variation in light and dark values independent of
Value emphasis: the light attributes of  the angle against the dark background make her the focus of the picture and more angelic.

Value as depth: The dark shadows make her seem less flat and that she is standing in front of something.

Motion: The blurred lines around the girl make her seem like she is jumping into something unknown. 

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