Wednesday, September 23, 2015

Rhythm and Balance

Alternating rhythm - A rhythm that consists of successive patterns in which the same elements reappear in a regular order. The motifs alternate consistently with one another to produce a regular (and anticipated) sequence
Asymmetrical balance - A rhythm that consists of successive patterns in which the same elements reappear in a regular order. The motifs alternate consistently with one another to produce a regular (and anticipated) sequence
Balance by eye direction – connecting figures through the line of their gaze, balancing the piece
Balance by pattern or texture – countering a pattern or texture with it’s visual opposite
Balance by value and color – contrasting values and colors to balance the piece out
Crystallographic balance - Balance with equal emphasis over an entire two-dimensional surface so that there is always the same visual weight or attraction wherever you may look
Imbalance - Occurs when opposing or interacting forms are out of equilibrium in a pictorial composition
Motion – the line of movement in a piece of art
Polyrhythmic structures and contrast - A complex pattern employing more than one rhythm or beat
Progressive rhythm - Repetition of a shape that changes in a regular pattern
Radial balance - A composition in which all visual elements are balanced around and radiate from a central point
Rhythm - An element of design based on the repetition of recurrent motifs
Symmetrical balance – balance along a horizontal or vertical axis

Visual rhythm – repetition of a visual element in a piece of art
All over pattern


Balance using Value and color


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