Friday, September 18, 2015

Scale and Proportion

Contrast of scale - purposely use scale to attract our attention in different ways
Geometry and the Ideal – used in order to figure the scale, Greeks had figured out a idealized proportion for the body
Human scale reference – using ones body to proportion things in a piece of art
Internal proportions – proportioning elements in a piece of art by comparing them with other elements in the piece
Internal references - Scale within a work of art provides meaning, context, and often a clue to how it is made or how we are meant to interpret the image or object
Manipulation scale and proportion – manipulating size to change meaning in a piece of art
Root Rectangles – using rectangles that have proportions such as 1:, 1:, and 1:
Surrealism – using scale and proportion that has no rationality in the real world

The golden rectangle - The ratio of the golden mean can be found in the Fibonacci sequence, a counting series where each new number is the sum of the previous two: 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, and so on
Exaggerated scale

Golden Rectangle

Realistic scale and proportion


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