Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Unity and Emphasis

Abstract - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The colors and patterns in the cat's fur are very complex and unrealistic.

Continuation - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The color and shapes of the water make it look as if the surfer could continue off the canvas.

Contrast - refers to the arrangement of opposite elements (light vs. dark colors, rough vs. smooth textures, large vs. small shapes, etc.) in a piece so as to create visual interest, excitement and drama
 The red apple stands out from its complimentary color of the green apples.

Emphasizing whole over parts – The whole of the piece is more of a focal point then its individual parts
 The set of eyes seen in the picture are created from various smaller pictures of eyes.

Figurative - any form of art that clearly represents an image from the real world
 The man and woman are very uniform of their real life counter parts.

Gestalt - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The picture shows a skull but the skull is made of  a set of astronauts and the earth.

Grid - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The pixellated picture of Gir is made with a grid pattern.

Isolation - An item that stands apart from its surroundings
 The man in the hood is isolated in the picture by the frame of flames.

One element – a piece that contains one true element making it the focal point
 The bird creature is the focus of the picture by contrasting against the black background.

Placement – the position of the subjects in a piece of art
 The off-centered placement of the girl brings the eye to her in the corner.

Proximity - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The different elements being so close to one another make them form a single entity.

Repetition - A visual representation that may have little resemblance to the real world. Abstraction can occur through a process of simplification or distortion in an attempt to communicate an essential aspect of a form or concept
 The repeating of wolf men that occur all through out the piece.

Unity with Variety – multiple objects that come together to form a whole
 The composition has one design with a variety of color though out it.

Varied Repetition – the same object with different attributes to them in a piece of art
 The squares repeat through out the piece however the size  and orientation of the squares change.

Visual Perception – multiple ways of seeing an object in a piece of art
At first glance, I see an eye, but after looking at it a bit, it is really a fish being fished out of a small pond.

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